
PEFC Certification for VonWood

PEFC Chain of Custody certified

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VonWood is now PEFC Chain of Custody Certified

We are very pleased to announce that we have been certified by the Program for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC), a leading global alliance of national forest certification systems focused on advancing sustainable forest management through independent third-party certification. PEFC's mission is to ensure that forests are managed responsibly and that the social, environmental and economic benefits of forests are preserved for current and future generations.

Our PEFC Chain of Custody certification is proof of our commitment to sustainability and responsible forest management, which is an essential part of our business.

“PEFC has recognised certification systems in 51 countries. Together these account for over 311 million hectares of certified forests, making PEFC the world’s largest forest and wood product certification system.” - PEFC.

PEFC is a non-governmental organization that operates globally, with the goal of advancing Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) by means of impartial third-party certification. The organization is active throughout the entire forest supply chain, promoting responsible practices within the forest and guaranteeing that both timber and non-timber forest products are created in accordance with the most rigorous ecological, social, and ethical standards. With its recognisable "green trees" logo, PEFC has become a worldwide brand, allowing purchasers and consumers to recognize products originating from sustainably managed forests.

“PEFC chain of custody certification enables you to demonstrate your legal and sustainable sourcing of forest products to your customers. It also provides you with a variety of advantages that help the environment, people, and your bottom line, such as access to new markets and compliance with legislation.” - PEFC

Read more about PEFC and PEFC certification here.

In case you would like to learn more about our commitment to PEFC, please feel free to contact us at

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